Cortisol Buster

The rigors of life create a sustained release of cortisol for many people today. I am a prime example. The price tag is stiff. This round, cortisol is playing a role in attacking my thyroid. The medical bills are high.  The ramifications for my well-being is a bit unsettling.

In short bursts, cortisol is wonderful. It prepares us to function from a place of strength and alertness. In chronic doses, the damage is real and obvious. Irritability, illness, weight gain, depression and sleepless nights become the norm. Can you relate?

This week I stumbled across some potentially enlightening information about vitamin C. It appears that in larger doses, this water-soluble vitamin has the ability to reduce the body’s inclination to send out too much cortisol. For me, that’s great news.

I’ve begun taking 1,000 mg at dinner and 1,500 mg at breakfast. So far, I like what I see. I like what I feel.

As I continue my journey into industrial strength rest, I think this is another treasure God’s sending my way.

Want to read more? Check out these articles from:

Psychology Today

Live Strong

I’m also in the process of exploring how Rhodiola reduces cortisol.  If you want to jump start your own exploration, you can check out this site:


P.S.  I’m typically not up this late.  Being on a computer before bed is terrible for cortisol over-production.  My 12 year old son is having a sleep study tonight at the hospital.  I’m getting ready to settle into a very short couch…

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Run hard. Rest well. launched in March 2013. If this topic grabs your heart, we’d like to encourage you to subscribe to this weekly blog. The information to do so is located on the right hand side of this page. Along the way, we’ve encouraged folks to read the first 12-weeks of posts found in the archives. (But no rush. Go slow.) Start with Week 1 (from March). Each post is numbered and lays an important foundational insight into the life-giving rhythm Run hard. Rest well.

  • The site is under construction for a few weeks to compile the e-book, re-vamp the site and prepare to launch out into a broader spectrum of people. During this time I am going to send out shorter posts and some links to articles I’ve written. Hope they are a blessing.

run hard. rest well.


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10 thoughts on “Cortisol Buster”

  1. I will check these out. I can’t take vitamins normally but the water soluble might work. The panic attacks are in full swing. I start celebrate recovery on Mon. Another chance to panic, but looking for help is never easy. The leader also has PTSD and is familiar with it. He has gotten help through this program. God help me. Emailed something to you the other day. Hope you got it.

  2. Hi, Brenda ~ this is Sheila Auter (Granger, IN). I am a good friend of Sarah Galliher who introduced me to your blog, and I have responded to your posts before. I don’t know if these responses get back to you, but I felt a strong desire to share a life changing choice I made recently that has improved my health, stamina and well-being. I began using Young Living essential oils and products infused with these oils 4 months ago and have basically replaced my medicine cabinet. I’ve also been connected to such encouraging, wise Christian women through this process who post medical information, scientific research, and answers to questions/inquiries about different health issues on their blogs. If you’re interested, spend some time on the website and/or send me a reply. God’s blessings all over you!

    • Hi Sheila,
      So glad you wrote. Yes — I get each one and I love it. Initially I was not able to get back to people, but I so enjoy connecting now. Thank you for writing! 7 bottles of essential oils line my bedroom shelf. They have been gifts. I am hearing more and more. I need to explore this avenue of healing God has provided. You’re the second person who’s written me this week on this topic. I need to re-explore what’s been given to me and what they support. Do you typically ingest the oils or is it the aroma that impacts the healing? God so faithfully meets us and opens new doors. Take care. Brenda

    • Hi Sheila,
      Yes — I get each one and I love it. Initially I was not able to get back to people, but I so enjoy connecting now. Thank you for writing! 7 bottles of essential oils line my bedroom shelf. They have been gifts. I am hearing more and more. I need to explore this avenue of healing God has provided. You’re the second person who’s written me this week on this topic. I need to re-explore what’s been given to me and what they support. Do you typically ingest the oils or is it the aroma that impacts the healing? God so faithfully meets us and opens new doors. Take care. Brenda

  3. Interesting discussion came up today and thought I’d share. We are in Christ and Christ is in us. Picture. We are the dirt. That’s a given…scripturally. If Christ is the Seed, He is planted in us. Pictures Christ as the Sun of Righteousness, the Living Water, and the Breath/Air we breathe. We are in these when we are in Christ. He is covering us with this. The Seed grows as it receives nutrition from the life in the dirt (nutrition being the Word of God), the light from the Sun, the Water, and the Air. When the seed grows it become a really truly plant. The dirt does not take the shape of a plant. The dirt does not grow and bear fruit. The Seed grows in the dirt and bears the fruit and we are the benefactors of this. Just a thought. Nice to know I’m covered and that life is growing in this dirt/soil I call “me”.

    • Hi Sheila,
      So glad you wrote. Yes — I get each one and I love it. Initially I was not able to get back to people, but I so enjoy connecting now. Thank you for writing! 7 bottles of essential oils line my bedroom shelf. They have been gifts. I am hearing more and more. I need to explore this avenue of health and healing. You’re the second person who’s written me this week on this topic. I need to re-explore what’s been given to me and what they body systems those oils support. Do you typically ingest the oils or is it the aroma that impacts the healing? God so faithfully meets us and opens new doors. Thanks! Take care. Brenda


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